Slip Casting 3D Prints Progress
I’ve been printing with a .75 nozzle to speed up my print times. However I think with the face vase I actually spend more time filling and sanding holes than it would have taken it to print with a nozzle at a smaller diameter.
Historically I’ve always used Bondo to fill the gap/smooth out the lines in my prints but I’m trying out a wood filler since I don’t have access to proper ventilation in my home studio. I’m not sure that I’m sold on it yet but the ease of finishing up work inside might make it worth it.
Part A embedded in oil clay
I made a silly mistake and only reinforced my box on the outside with duct tape meaning that the cardboard warped when the plaster was poured in the mold and the vase became encased in plaster.
Luckily the plaster was still pretty wet (points for impatience?) and I was able to chip off the unwanted plaster.
Mold for part B (TAPED & RELEASED!)
Part A for the face vase- I’m pretty nervous about undercuts but we’ll see….
And now we wait!